Stuck in Reverse

Emotion Obscurity Decoded

Navigating life’s intricate fabric, feelings and emotions by being vocal about them. Helping myself to help others stuck in a similar whirlpool of life.

Ground Zero: Let the Decoding Begin

  • Vorfreude: The Sweet Joy of Anticipation

    I remember the first time I experienced vorfreude vividly. I was 10 and it was the night before my birthday, and I couldn’t fall asleep. It wasn’t because of excitement for the presents or the party, but because of the sheer joy that bubbled within me as I imagined the day ahead. Every little detail…

  • Finifugal Frenzy

    Have you ever found yourself desperately clinging to the final moments of something, wishing with every fiber of your being that it would never end? That is what we call finifugality – the state of actively hating or prolonging the end of something. And let me tell you, it’s a rollercoaster of emotions that we’ve…

  • Empathy in a Disconnected World

    Have you ever found yourself feeling someone else’s emotions as if they were your own? It’s like being tuned into a frequency that allows you to pick up on the subtlest nuances of another’s inner world. If yes, congratulations—you’re an empath. And let me tell you, empathy isn’t just a buzzword for us—it’s woven into…

The ‘Why’ Behind:

Emotional Awareness

Understanding and identifying emotions can improve self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Decoding obscure emotions can help individuals recognize and name feelings they may struggle to express, leading to better self-understanding and emotional regulation.

Mental Health Support

Many people experience emotions that they find difficult to understand or cope with, which can contribute to stress, anxiety, or depression. This can serve as a resource for mental health support, offering guidance and strategies for managing complex feelings and promoting well-being.

Effective Expression

By exploring the nuanced meanings of various emotions and learning how to articulate them more precisely, individuals can enrich their ability to express themselves and understand others. This could be particularly useful for writers, therapists, counselors, educators, or anyone else who relies on effective communication in their work or personal life.

Let’s Talk?

Somewhere in the Mountains,
Always on Zoom!